Imagining the Future: A Fictional Tale of a Hamptons Home with Lutron and JoshAi's Voice-Controlled Elegance
Once upon a time in the Hamptons, a homeowner named Tom decided to create a haven that would cater to the whims and desires of his entire family.
This dream was fueled by his previous experience with a Lutron system, and his new vision involved a seamless fusion of technology and elegance – the Lutron Palladiom keypad with an integrated JoshAi micro.
DMF Lighting’s iX Series small aperture lighting is revolutionizing the lighting industry with its innovative design and advanced technology. This series offers a wide range of fixture options for small aperture downlights, wallwashers, and adjustable accents, making it perfect for any interior or exterior application. In this post, we will explore how Hamptons Lighting Design and Home Technology Experts can help end-users and partners specify and provide DMF fixtures for their next project.
Circadian Lighting: Bring the Benefits of Natural Light Indoors
Today’s smart homes shouldn’t just make life more convenient; they should also aid in wellness. The ambient conditions within your home have a significant impact on your life, from your mood and energy levels to how you sleep.