Best Practices in High‑End Residential Lighting Control Systems Pt. 2: Evolution of Lighting Keypads

Lutron Keypad for Home Technology Experts

Evolution of Lighting Keypads: From Many Buttons to Few

Because smart systems often replace multiple wall switches with a single keypad, one might assume a bigger keypad with more buttons is better (to cover all those functions). Indeed, in earlier generations of lighting systems, keypads often featured 6-8 small buttons on a single gang plate, sometimes plus additional up/down or on/off toggles. Each button could be engraved with a tiny label for a scene or function, resulting in a kind of mini control panel on the wall. While functional, these multi-button keypads sometimes overwhelmed users (and decorators) with options and text. A fully-loaded keypad could confuse guests and even residents if not intuitively designed – hence the “747 cockpit” problem referenced by experts * .

Modern Trend: Fewer Buttons, Cleaner Look.

Over time, both manufacturers and integrators recognized that less can be more for user experience. The trend in high-end projects has moved toward streamlined keypads with 3-5 buttons (often four main buttons in a standard configuration). These designs dedicate each button to a critical scene or group of lights, rather than trying to give one button per circuit. For instance, many luxury installations now use a 4-button scene keypad in living areas – e.g. “Entertain,” “Relax,” “All On,” “All Off” – instead of six separate dimmer knobs for six lighting loads.

This simplification is driven by aesthetics as well: Homeowners and designers want the keypad to be as unobtrusive as a normal light switch, not a busy control panel​ * . As Amy Stoneham noted in HiddenWires, “homeowners do not want big, bulky keypads all over the walls; they want subtle, aesthetically pleasing keypads similar in size to a normal light switch to blend in with the interior” * .

Major brands have developed new keypad lines reflecting this philosophy:

  • Lutron

    Their latest luxury keypads (e.g. Alisse and Palladiom in the HomeWorks line) emphasize style and simplicity. These keypads often come in 2-button, 3-button, or 4-button layouts, each with large tactile buttons and customizable engravings. Lutron highlights that these luxury keypads provide full functionality in a much smaller and more intuitive interface than a bank of toggles​ * . The buttons can control multiple scenes yet are easy to use at a glance. Additionally, Lutron offers a wide range of finishes (metals, glass, matte, etc.) so the keypad becomes a part of the decor rather than an eyesore​ * .

  • Crestron

    The new Horizon keypad line (and similar products) also centers on minimalist design. Crestron’s Horizon keypads can be configured with 1 to 5 buttons per gang, but even a 5-button Horizon presents a clean, evenly spaced look compared to older styles. The Horizon’s single-faceplate design hides gaps between buttons, and it offers subtle backlighting and tactile feedback for a premium feel *​ . Crestron explicitly developed this line because today’s homeowners want control interfaces that are “unobtrusive when not in use, and easy to use when needed,” focusing heavily on fit-and-finish and ergonomics *​ . In practice, many Crestron installations now favor 3-4 buttons per keypad as the sweet spot for usability.

  • Control4

    Control4 has offered configurable keypads (under their Decora-style faceplates) for years, where integrators can choose 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 button configurations. A common choice in modern projects is the 4-button config with an added “All Off” or “All On” at the bottom, giving a total of 5 buttons but grouped in a user-friendly way. Control4 even introduced a new “Lux” line of keypads (unveiled in 2025) that are more design-centric for the luxury market *​ , acknowledging the demand for sleeker aesthetics. These also allow various button counts but emphasize elegant materials and backlit engravings.

  • Savant

    Savant, known for its high-end home automation, introduced the Ascend keypad line featuring 2-, 4-, and 5-button models​ *​ . The 4-button Ascend is a direct nod to the modern minimalist style – just four equal buttons that can each activate scenes or multi-room functions. Despite the low button count, each can be multi-purposed within the Savant ecosystem (for example, one button could toggle through a couple of scenes if programmed that way).

    The Ascend keypads have fully customizable LED backlight colors and engraving, and come in designer finishes *​ . In Savant’s case, even a two-button keypad can be used for lighting if the philosophy is to keep only essential functions on the wall (perhaps one button for “On” scene, one for “Off” scene in a minimalist room).

  • Vantage Controls

    Vantage (a Legrand brand) has long catered to luxury projects similar to Lutron. Their keypad offerings (e.g. the Vantage EasyTouch II or the international SquareTouch styles) historically supported up to 6 buttons, but they also encourage simpler layouts. Vantage keypads can be ordered with fewer buttons and custom engraving or icons, and the trend in recent Vantage-driven designs is to use 3-4 buttons for primary scenes, relying on the control system’s logic for any complex sequencing.

    Vantage’s focus is also on high-quality materials and backlit text to ensure the keypad “stands out by blending in” – as one brochure puts it, personal touches like custom laser-etched engraving in a choice of colors let the keypad complement the interior *​ .​

Trade-offs – Functionality vs. Aesthetics

The move to fewer buttons is largely positive for simplicity, but it does require a thoughtful trade-off. With fewer physical buttons, each one often has to do more. Typically this means each button activates an entire scene (multiple lights), rather than giving fine-grained control of individual lights. Homeowners get a cleaner wall and an easier interface – as one expert quipped, “most basic control of the room at your fingertips” without needing to navigate through endless options *​ . However, the limitation is that if a homeowner does want to, say, separately dim the chandelier to 50% while keeping other lights bright, they might need to pull out their app or use a touchscreen, because the keypad might only have an “Entertain” scene button that sets a pre-defined level for the chandelier.

Integrators mitigate this by carefully programming scenes that cover the likely needs (dinner scene, bright scene, cozy scene, etc.), and by possibly adding a raise/lower rocker or “dim up/down” small buttons on the keypad for manual tweaking. For example, Lutron’s 4-button keypads often include a small raise/lower rocker on the side – maintaining sleekness while still allowing some manual dimming control for whichever scene is active​ * (in the Seaholm Penthouse case study, they used scene buttons for specific moods and likely used the dimmer adjust for fine tuning).

From the aesthetic perspective, fewer buttons clearly win. A quote from a Rako Controls director sums it up: “Less is more. Sometimes this involves fewer buttons with a classy, uncluttered look… With carefully thought-out lighting design and scenes, this provides a simple, yet elegant solution.” * . Homeowners and designers often do choose a keypad based on look and feel over sheer functionality – if a particular style only supports up to 4 buttons, they might accept having 4 scenes per room instead of 6 if it means a more beautiful wall control.

As another expert put it, “if the keypad looks or functions badly, this massively influences the user experience of the smart home system” *​ . In other words, a poorly chosen keypad (too cluttered or ugly) will sour the whole experience, no matter how well the behind-the-scenes programming works.

Keypad Features Enhancing Usability

Modern keypads offset the lower button count with other features to improve functionality:

  • Engraved Labels and Icons

    With fewer buttons, it’s even more critical that each is clearly identified. High-end keypads use custom engraving (often backlit) to label each button with text or an icon that indicates its function (e.g. “Cooking,” “Evening,” or a little lamp symbol). We will discuss the engraving process in detail later, but it’s worth noting here that engraving has become a standard expectation in luxury projects – it’s no longer an optional add-on but rather part of delivering a polished system *​​ . Good engraving design can make a four-button keypad far more intuitive than an unlabeled eight-button one.

  • Tactile and Visual Feedback

    Since the user has only a few buttons to press, manufacturers made sure pressing them feels satisfying and gives confirmation. Many new keypads have improved tactile feedback – either via a nice “click” of a physical button or capacitive touch with haptic vibration. Integrators find this important so that users know they pressed a button without having to look at the lights immediately. “Tactile responses are not important, they’re essential,” says one control system designer, noting that a tactile click or bump “reassures the user… that they have pressed the button” * .

    Additionally, an LED indicator on or near the button can light up when a scene is active, providing visual confirmation. For example, Savant’s Ascend and Crestron’s Horizon both allow multi-color LEDs that change state (a security scene button might turn red when armed, green when disarmed, etc.) *​ ​.

  • Multi-Press or Press-and-Hold Logic

    To extend functionality, integrators sometimes program single buttons with different actions on double-tap or press-and-hold. For instance, a press-and-hold on a “Dining” scene button might slowly cycle through several brightness levels of that scene, effectively giving the user a way to brighten/dim without a separate dimmer knob. Or a double-tap on “Relax” might toggle just the fireplace lights on/off as a special function.

    These tricks can add flexibility but are used sparingly – only if the homeowner is likely to remember them, since they aren’t labeled on the keypad. The guiding principle remains to keep everyday use simple: “Keypad functions should be kept to a minimum in order to maintain simplicity of quick and easy control” * . Any advanced multi-press options are typically bonus features taught to the homeowner, not required for basic operation.

In summary, today’s lighting keypads have evolved to favor quality over quantity: high-quality design, fewer but more meaningful buttons, and an emphasis on intuitive use. Homeowners, architects, and designers driving luxury projects generally prefer the keypad that “just feels right” in the space – which often means a sleek, minimal look – as long as it still delivers the needed control. With thoughtful programming and scene planning, a four-button keypad can indeed run an entire room or more without compromise. The next challenge, once you’ve chosen those perfect button functions, is labeling them properly – which brings us to engraving.

To continue reading, click the links below or to read in full go to our Hamptons Lighting Design Blog here.

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Best Practices in High‑End Residential Lighting Control Systems Pt. 3: Keypad Engraving and Custom Labels


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