Be Moved by the Movie

When most people hear about D-Box Motion Technology, they think of 4D amusement park attractions.  Chairs that violently jerk you from side from side matching the action on the screen, but that’s not what this is.  D-Box motion is a technology installed into cinema seating that matches slight motion to the corresponding video.

We were skeptical, but unlike it’s amusement park ancestor, D-Box provides a gentle and enjoyable motion experience. If you do find the motion to be a little much you can adjust the intensity of your seat and when needed can turn it off altogether.

While this isn’t  a brand new product, it has new feature that makes using the technology a lot easier. Previously, D-Box coding could only be accessed through Blu-ray.  With over hundred new blockbusters encoded with motion, this new technology can now be streamed to your home theater.

This feature allows you to  enjoy this technology while watching standard streaming devices, PRIMA Cinema, and Sony Picture productions on Kalediscape. (By the way you can now download  movies from Sony Pictures to your Cinema One.)


'Tis the Season for Scenes


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